For those who know the online forum well, there is something called “heresy hunters”. They are Christians who only seek our error and evil. They are those believers in Christ who want to find, callout, and bash any other person in Christendom who they see as heretical and spreading “false teaching”, “false doctrine” or who they see as “false prophets”.
For those who know the online forum well, there is something called “heresy hunters”. They are those believers in Christ who want to find, callout, and bash any other person in Christendom who they see as heretical and spreading “false teaching”, “false doctrine” or who they see as “false prophets”. They use the scriptures as their “clearance” for calling out certain people that don’t match their doctrinal and scriptural beliefs.
Relationship is REQUIRED
Yes, scripture does warn us against people who are “false teachers”, “false prophets, etc, but it does give key ways and instruction on how to “correct” them and how not to. In 1st and 2nd Timothy we clearly see Paul instructing how to correct others who are in apostasy or in danger of walking in heresy. The most important thing we must recognize from seeing this that those who do this generally use Ephesians 5:11 as their instruction and their “ok” to do this. Contrarily we see that in 1st and 2nd Timothy, a personal relationship is CLEARLY assumed in scriptures. It never gives the message of correcting or bashing someone going against that person’s personal believes and ideologies, but today we have heresy hunters that are doing just that. Ephesians 5:11 is aimed at those we already personally know.
One of the fruits of Paul’s instruction in correction is that it is showing love while correcting. But in the countless channels of heresy hunters today, all we see is them throwing death, fear and hatred at different people who they see as apostate and walking in heresy. If we see someone who we suspect or fear (Godly fear) is apostate or walking in heresy, we need to pray for that person if we don’t have a personal relationship with them.
God’s message of His entire Word is to show love to all things. Heresy hunting, attacking, and bashing is the absolute opposite of this. Those who do this are doing nothing but throwing curses at them and wishing death upon them. If you don’t agree with what someone is saying or teaching, pray for them. If you have a personal relationship with them, pull them aside privately and ask them about it. Scripture clearly tells us to pull them aside privately first before a public confrontation is done.
Jesus and Life
These people who may mean well are simply mirroring exactly what the Pharisees did in the gospels. They were calling Jesus a heretic and blasphemer, when we see that they clearly didn’t have a relationship with Him. I encourage everyone to steer clear of these people and see clearly what fruits they are producing; producing death and not producing life.
As I mentioned in my Titus 1:15 video that we must grow and allow God to purify us so we see good and God in everything we do. And by recognizing what they do is glorifying evil and only seeing evil as I spoke of in the second Titus 1:15 video, we see that we need to focus on seeing the good in everything and not by seeing the “demons” in everything. Jesus told us that we would be rejected by man and the religious and that’s exactly what is going on now, but on a much bigger scale. The Father is always wanting to show us something new that we haven’t encountered before, why not trust Him and walk with Him?
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