Have you been dealing with situations that are unclear? You have potential things coming in the near future, but things are too “up in the air” for you to make a move. Well we’ve all been experience the cloudy skies, but clarity is coming.
Yesterday I noticed that the sky was overcast and hazy all day. There was even the sound of low distant thunder in the morning. It rained a little but, but it was still mostly overcast and grey. When I got home it was still like this and I asked God what this meant.
Just a little bit ago, someone who I’ve been discipling for a few years now called me and told me what she just experienced and heard. She told me that the skies are half-clear and half-cloudy and that she suddenly felt a wind out of nowhere and knew that there was a “wind of change” coming.
The conversation with God yesterday and then the brief conversation with her revealed the same thing. He revealed that the clouds represent things in life that are not clear. Many are dealing with situations in life that appear unclear, which is causing concern and anxiety. We’re able to partially see things and see possibilities, but nothing is clear enough for us to move. He told me that soon there will be a wind to clear things up and make everything clear again. He said that there will even be some purification (rain) to go along with the winds. Once this clarity is there, we will be able to begin moving confidently again with what He’s told us.
There are and will always be times when we need to wait and stand still. If you’re anything like me, I hate having to wait and “watch things play out”. But over the last couple years God has been teaching and showing me how to see, perceive, and understanding the big picture. This comes with the understanding that even when we do our work quickly without hesitation, there are times when we need to wait for those around us to catch up. This is one of those times, and He uses times like these to expand and teach us more patience.
As a reminder, just hang tight a little longer and remember that the sky will soon become clear and it will be time for us to make our moves.
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